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Opie BrasilMobil

Cross compilation
This text has been taken from README.crosscompile that I have written for dict-dist.

In order to compile dict and dictd for the Zaurus,
a few things will have to be considered.

First, the application must be cross-compiled.
Do it like that:

	CC=arm-linux-gcc-2.95.4 ./configure --host=arm-linux-gnu --prefix=/mnt/cf/dict/

Second, the executable 're' (in regex/) must be commented out, so it doesn't
get executed as a test case on the build platform.

Third, a linker error might occur. Change to the lmaa/ directory and type make
there, it should help.

Fourth, even though --prefix is set, it expects the data in /usr/local.
Installing with the included install.sh script fixes this.

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Josef Spillner
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